Friday, January 26, 2007

Stoxen Library's staff

The Stoxen Library full-time staff: Front L-R, Mrs. Corina Zalesky, Ms. Lillian Crook. Back L-R, Sister Faith Wanner, Miss Eileen Kopren, and Ms. Rita Ennen.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dr. Alice Tirrell art collection on permanent display at Stoxen Library

Dr. Alice Tirrell, a former member of the Dickinson State University faculty, taught in the history department from 1959-1972. She completed undergraduate work at Wellesley College and held graduate degrees from Radcliffe College and Columbia University. Her collection of Native American artifacts and art are on permanent display at Stoxen Library.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

DSU readers

Monday, January 22, 2007

Presidential Speeches

Here are three links to databases with Presidential Speeches information.

U.S. Presidential Speeches tags the top 100 words from each speech given by presidents over the years. It lets you analyze how words used have changed (or not) over the years. To use and find speeches, under the line “Top 100 tags,” you will find a line with green arrows. Move the arrows back and forth to locate different speeches on the time line.

Presidential Speeches-video & transcripts provides video for speeches by both Bushs' and by Clinton. Transcripts are from both Bushs', Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower and Truman.

American Presidency Project is a searchable database for Messages and Papers of the Presidents (1789-1913), Public Papers of the Presidents (1929-1993) and the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1993-2007).

Those books don't just magically dance to the shelves.

Those books don't just magically dance to the shelves. Pictured here is Library Associate Sister Faith Wanner, processing a cart of new books.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Lower level progress report

The lower level area is progressing with the service desk now in place and shifting of back issues of journals into the black compact shelving.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Finally, the black plastic has come down!

Update on lower level remodeling: finally the black plastic has come down and carpeting the area that previously was closed periodical stacks has commenced.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Remodeling is progressing

The new compact shelving was installed during semester break and the staff is beginning the laborious process of shifting journals into this new area.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Starbucks now being served

Starting Monday, January 8th, Starbucks coffee is now being served at the Common Grounds Coffee Bar in Stoxen Library.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new staff member for the new year

Mrs. Becky Needham has joined the staff as an Evening Supervisor. She comes to Stoxen Library with work experience at Grand Forks Public Library.